Personal Attention

At Ink & Images, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with personal attention.  We carefully limit the number of client projects we’ll take on at any given time, ensuring that your project will receive the focus needed to get the job done well and in a timely manner.


We pride ourselves on the quality of our work.  We ask that any errors be brought to our attention immediately, and pledge to correct them quickly.


Your stories are your own.  Ink and Images will never share any information with anyone that you have not expressly authorized (i.e. family and friends involved in the project).

We may occasionally request permission to use excerpts from your stories, and/or to produce a second copy of your product to use as a sample for future clients.  Your decision to grant or refuse such requests will be honored completely and without question.


Payment is due at the time of service.  Large, long-term projects may be broken down into sections, with each section billed separately.

Ready to get started?  Contact Ink & Images now to set up an appointment!